My Passion: How I Follow My Own Advice

It is far too easy to give up on your dreams. There will be nights when you’re tired and cranky, moods that hit you hard, days where it’s just not worth the effort. How can you live a life of passion and purpose?

Melissa Herb
6 min readNov 4, 2021

I am passionate about helping people succeed in business and life. I have been doing that for many years now, and it’s what gives me the energy to keep going. You can see my passion on this blog where I give advice based on my own experiences as a blogger who has worked hard and taken risks to make her dreams come true.

I’ve always been a fan of following my own advice

I’ve always been a believer of following your passion and your own advice. You know that quote “If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen”? Well that has always been my motto.

I’ve taken a lot of risks and have been through ups and downs in life, but it’s all worth it when I see myself achieving my dreams one by-one.

Yes, there might be times when I feel like quitting or giving up on certain things, but as long as you push forward…



Melissa Herb

Exploring life's magic ✨ Body positivity, mindset, & mysticism. Weekly wisdom in your feed 🌿 Follow for a sprinkle of enchantment! 🌟