Why Fear and Doubt Have Got to Go! 5 Steps to a Happier You

Melissa Herb
8 min readMay 24, 2021
Why Fear and Doubt Have to Go! 5 Steps To a Happier You

Fear and doubt are two things that we all have to deal with in our lives. Whether it is a fear of public speaking or the thought that you will never succeed, these emotions can consume us if we let them. In this blog post, I am going to give you 5 steps on how to get rid of these negative thoughts so you can live your life free from fear and doubt!

Understand the root of your fear and doubt

Understanding the root of your fear and doubt is important. You need to identify what the fear or doubt is before you can take action on it. This will be different for everyone, but once you know your fears and doubts then setting goals to conquer them is much easier!

The root of my fear that I have always had was that if other people don’t like me then I am not good enough. The more I made this a goal in life, instead of worrying about why others don’t like me or being anxious over their opinions, has helped me feel happier with who I am as an individual and break down some walls when meeting new people which has allowed me to make even better connections currently than I would have before.

There are some ways of overcoming this. First, this can include talking to someone close to your life who can give you advice and reassurance. Second, this may include setting goals with a friend or family member about how to overcome this fear or doubt so that it becomes more manageable on an individual level. Third, try writing down the things that make you feel good about yourself! This will help remind me of what makes me happy as well as motivates me every day to live my best life possible.

Fear is tough but overcoming fears and doubts is within our power if we identify them first before making any changes towards conquering them! The root of all my fears was always having other people not liking me because then I feared I wouldn’t be able to adequately meet their needs which led me into feeling anxious around others and it caused me to feel frozen on the inside.

I had to identify these fears and see how they were impacting my life. For example, I would be so scared of others not liking me that when someone did offer a compliment or kind words towards me, it made me feel uncomfortable…



Melissa Herb

Exploring life's magic ✨ Body positivity, mindset, & mysticism. Weekly wisdom in your feed 🌿 Follow for a sprinkle of enchantment! 🌟